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How gardening helps a child's emotional development

Engaging in gardening is a joyful and fulfilling experience, fostering positive emotions for individuals of all ages, including children. The social-emotional learning derived from tending to a garden contributes significantly to a child's overall well-being.  In this article, we explore the intertwined relationship between gardening and the emotional growth of children, highlighting the shared joy and benefits that blossom in a garden setting. According to, about 15 billion trees are cut down each year, and more than 41 million daily worldwide, which is very alarming and could be catastrophic if nothing is done about this problem. This is why it is essential for parents to start teaching the next generation about gardening so that they can develop an interest from an early age. Many things from gardening can contribute positively to a child's development, but our attention will be on the emotional aspect of it in this article. Gardening benefits in a child's em
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